Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lily Potter and the Resurrection Stone Chapter One (Re-write)

     I groaned as I sat up, fully ready to smack the brains out of my alarm clock. Then I realized the noise that was pounding against my ears wasn’t my alarm clock. Squinting I rolled over to face my window, which was going to burn my eyeballs out if I stared at it for too long. 
     Olive seemed to want to go out, so I wearily pulled off my covers and opened the window. She gave me a short hoot of thanks, jumped on the window ledge, and flew out. I watched her as she soared out of sight. The sun slowly rose, awakening the small muggle town. My red hair kept flopping into my bright blue eyes, making the sun distorted between them and my hair even more vibrant.
      As I was about to toss my hair back behind my shoulders for the millionth time, a tsunami of wind rushed past, doing the job for me. It swirled, and closer I looked, the more horrified I became. A man was spinning inside the cage of slightly grey air, black robes billowing and twisting around him. I looked at his eyes, they had a horrible, dark glint to them and seemed likely to pierce anything they rested on for too long. 
     I slammed the window shut and tugged at the curtains. The small sane part of my brain reminded me that a small sheet of fabric wasn't going to protect me. Now it was dark in my room because the window had been my only source of light. Great. I quickly switched the lamp on my bedside table on to calm myself. Then, at full speed I hurtled down the hallway, took the stairs two at a time and sprinted into the kitchen.
     My mum had just begun making pancakes and was magically stirring the batter when I dashed into the kitchen. 
     ”I was in my room and I saw this tunnel of grey… stuff surrounding a man. It went past my window." I panted, drawing in a fast breath. 
     My mum stopped suddenly, "What?!" she asked, fear and surprise in her eyes
     A wave of panic crashed over me. 
    "Have you packed your trunk?" she asked urgently 
    "Yeah." I said, fidgeting with the hem of my pajama shirt. 
     "Good" she said "We need to go. I’ll be back in a minute.” 
     “Wait!" I said, “Where are you going?”
     “I’m just going to feed the chickens.” she said, attempting a smile.
     I knew that wasn't what she was going to do. She was holding her wand like a weapon and wasn't acting very normal. Plus feeding the chickens was on of my chores.
     After she left I nervously jogged up the stairs and changed. After smoothing out my tee shirt I went into the living room and switched on the radio for comfort. I felt as if something was crawling up my spine. I was buried in my thoughts when Albus jogged down the stairs and sat down.  
     “Hi Lily, whats up?” he asked
    “Nothing…” I said, trying to act calm
    “Where’s mum?” he asked, “She’s usually making breakfast by now.”
    “Feeding the chickens.” I dismissed
     “Are you sure you’re okay?” he said, concerned
    “Yes.” I said shortly
    He sighed, knowing something was bothering me but I wasn’t going to spill it.
    After a few minutes Al got up and walked into the kitchen. I could hear him rummaging around in the cabinets and muttering. I sighed and got up too, hoping maybe I could distract myself. 
    “RAAAA!” James slid down the bannister with a screech 
    “Ugh” I mumbled as I got up and walked up the stairs, “You are so weird James!”
    “Party pooper…” he mumbled
    I sat down on my bed and wanted to sob. Why hadn’t I stopped mum from going outside? Why was I as stupid as to tell mum about earlier this morning? I buried my face into a pillow lying on the bed as hot tears rolled down my cheeks. After I had cried for 10 minutes I sat up, wiping my tears off on the corner of my comforter. 
     Suddenly a door opened downstairs and I heard James say ‘Mum! Where were you! I need food!’
     I jumped off my bed and looked in the mirror, trying to make myself look like I hadn't cried. Then I sprinted down the stairs and jumped into my mother’s arms.
     “Lily? What are you doing?” Albus asked as I pulled away from the hug, “Mum was just feeding the chickens…”
     I didn’t answer, but I bruised myself in helping mum make breakfast. I was secretly really happy mum was okay. 
     “Yes! We can have BREAKFAST!” James cheered
     I went back upstairs as mum called, “Sweetie! Remember to get your trunk, we’re leaving soon!”

     “Sure mum!” I called


     As I mentioned in my post 'News, Updates, Excuses and a Ton of Craziness'  I'm going to do a re-write of Lily Potter and the Resurrection Stone! (No copyright infringement intended, I don't own the Harry Potter series.)

     So I decided to provide you all with a schedule showing when I'll post the re-write of the first few chapters.

Chapter One: 11/7/13
Chapter Two: 11/8/13
Chapter Three: 11/9/13
Chapter Four: 11/10/13

     There you go! I hope you like my re-write!

~ A Fanfic Focused Lauren

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Hello. I won't give you a nice happy hello because... well... you guys don't comment.

     I love you all (Not romantically, duh) but literally no one comments! (Some people do, but they're in the minority...) Here I'll show you my view statistics.

Pageviews by Countries

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States

At least one of the 16 people who saw my blog today COULD HAVE COMMENTED!!!!!!!!

So please, please, please comment! It would mean so much to me!

~A very comment centered Lauren

News, Updates, Excuses and a Ton of Craziness


     I am so so so so so so so so so so so SO so so so so so SO so so so so so SO sorry for the lack of posts. My only excuse is Homework. It should die. Siriusly. Anyway now that I'm now back 'in the flow' of school there will be more posts, more stories, and a lot more writing.

     I'm also going to re-writing Lily Potter and the Resurrection Stone and if you are following me on (Link Here) then you have read all of my re-written chapters. So I'll be posting them on here soon, but if you want to read them now then go to my fan

     I'm so sorry I've been absent!
