Monday, June 3, 2013

Another Harry Potter Next Generation One-Shot

A/N So here I am again! I wrote another one shot. Lily and October meet Abraham Lincoln (this was a school assignment I turned into a fanfic). Hope you enjoy!

 “Hey Lily-” October stopped and turned around. 

      There was a tall man with a top hat that I swear was a foot high sitting on a bench I really don’t think was there yesterday.

     “Is he talking to his hat, or is it me?” I whisper-asked to my friend. 
     “He’s talking to his hat.” she whisper-confirmed
     “Wait!” she said after looking at the man intently for a minute, “Can I have a five?”

     “Ummm yeah?” I said questioningly

     She quickly held up the dollar bill and looked at it, then at the strange man.

     “Oh-my-gosh, oh-my-gosh, oh-my-gosh!” she yelped in excitement

     “What?” I grumbled, tugging on her arm, “Can’t we just go and wage the prank war on my brothers already?”

     “Lily?!” This is Abraham Lincoln.” she said

     “Seriously?” I asked suspiciously

     “Yes!” she turned to me, “Look at the bill, then him.”

     “Okayyyy” I replied. I thought my friend must have gone completely wacko.

     Then I saw the resemblance. They looked exactly alike! Only the expressions differed. The version on the bill looked slightly less frustrated. More... pensive.

Suddenly I had an idea. I held my finger up to my lips and made a shhhhhing sound. Next I pointed to the shrub behind the new bench that must have dropped out of the sky in the middle of the night. Or something like that. 

I crawled behind the bench, and tried to avoid upsetting the bush. Then I hurriedly leaned against the fence that created the small concealed spot. After October squished in too I leaned forward, because he was muttering so quietly. As I leaned my foot shifted just a little and rustled the bush. I watched the leaves quiver in horror, pushing against each other, rebounding and rustling another nearby leaf. I stared at October, wide eyed. Then we came to a silent agreement. I dove to the left, as October ran to the right. I quickly ducked a few vines growing on the fence, jumped over a pile of hedge clippings, and collapsed in a group of ferns. 

Lincoln looked around. He had gotten up and was looking at the spot behind the bush October and I had just left seconds ago. Suddenly the angle of his hat and the wind combined forces. His hat took to the air. Lincoln began to chase it, weaving between buildings and probably making some people wonder what a impersonator of Abraham Lincoln was doing running around a suburban neighborhood. Suddenly he stopped on a street corner, holding his hat in triumph. Then he just disappeared. Not like he turned the corner and left, he just disappeared.

I got up after the shock wore off, and pulled some fern bits out of my hair. “October!” I called

“Where are you?”
“I kind of got stuck in a bush....”

I laughed and walked over to her. She told me that in her desperation to get away she fell in and got her hair tangled so she couldn’t move without making a ton of sound (she  has really really long, thick hair). Once she was finally out all these leaves and twigs where stuck in her hair. We must have looked really funny walking home, both of us with all the bits of plants clinging to us.

When we passed the corner where Lincoln had been I stopped. There was no sign anything strange had happened and it just looked like a normal corner, on a normal street, in a normal town.

I wondered how he had gotten here, and why he had returned so abruptly. I wondered if he was using a time turner, or if some other way of time travel had been invented. Either way, we didn’t have time to ponder it now as October was staying for a sleepover and my mum would go crazy if we missed dinner.


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