Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Small Blue Box Chapter One

A Small Blue Box

I walked down the sidewalk, looking at my worn down sneakers and watching the laces flop up and down with every step. I held a stick out and every time it hit another bit of fence the clang shooed away any birds resting in the trees lining the street. Not that there were that many, for it was the hottest day this summer and no sane animal would come out of the shade for a minute. Unless they wanted to be roasted alive. I was bored, so I had walked down to the park. Nothing interesting was happening there and I was now wandering aimlessly. Suddenly a old Police Call Box loomed on the sidewalk. 'That wasn't there yesterday?!' I thought to myself. It was resting up against someone's fence and I was guessing that when it had arrived there, however it arrived there, they had had some trouble getting it into that position. The fence in question had one board knocked out, and it was leaning a little as though it had been impacted from above. I carefully examined it. The blue paint was slightly faded and all the windows on the sides were misted over. One of the doors had a little sign on it that said 'Property of The Doctor, please return if found' and under that was 'Rose was here!' I wondered who Rose and The Doctor were. I sighed. My friends would hate me forever if I didn't show them, this town was so boring when something interesting happened everybody had to share it. That was an unspoken rule. So I set off to find them.
I never saw the small blue box again.

A/N I Hope you enjoyed!


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