Friday, February 14, 2014

Hinny VS. Harmione

Since The Order of the Phoenix I have been an adamant Hinny shipper. Not only is it cannon, but I think they're made for each other. Now JKR has said that she wished she had written Harmione in the Epilouge, not Hinny. I AM SO MAD ABOUT THIS.

Reason One: I love how the books show that boys and girls can be friends without sexual tension. I personally have a few friends, who are boys, that I'm not crushing on. This also shows girls that you can be friends with the opposite gender and not like them.

Reason Two: Harry and Hermione have a very nice brother sister relationship which I thought was sweet. They were the only other people that grew up in the muggle world that they knew well and I think thats a nice connection. Also, at times Hermione is like an older sister to Harry.

Reason Three: I also love Ronmione! When Hermione needs a reality check, Ron is there for her. If Ron is being stupid, Hermione points this out and tries to help him. Even if Ron rejects the help, it shows how much they care for each other.

Okay, thats all I'm saying for now because I swear I'll explode with anger if I type any more. PLEASE leave your opinion in the comments below. 


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