Monday, February 17, 2014

The ONE Keeper Fanfic I Like

Okaaay so prepare for some shipper talk. TEAM FITZ IS AMAZING DO NOT SAY ANYTHING AGAINST IT.

Now here is the problem.

There is only one Sophie/Fitz fanfic I've found.



Here it is.

Unexpected Presents

I like it... I don't think the initial encounter is plausible, but I like it anyway.


~ A very worked up Lauren

Saturday, February 15, 2014


As I'm sure you all know I've changed up the look of my blog, which I like to do periodically. How ever, unless you've visited my other pages recently you won't know that I've edited them. Chapter 5 of Lily Potter and the Resurrection Stone is up and my Fandoms page is fully re-furbished! The about me page didn't change much, but I still think you should look at it. 

Sorry for another announcements post!

*Salutes like in AoT/SnK*

Friday, February 14, 2014

Hinny VS. Harmione

Since The Order of the Phoenix I have been an adamant Hinny shipper. Not only is it cannon, but I think they're made for each other. Now JKR has said that she wished she had written Harmione in the Epilouge, not Hinny. I AM SO MAD ABOUT THIS.

Reason One: I love how the books show that boys and girls can be friends without sexual tension. I personally have a few friends, who are boys, that I'm not crushing on. This also shows girls that you can be friends with the opposite gender and not like them.

Reason Two: Harry and Hermione have a very nice brother sister relationship which I thought was sweet. They were the only other people that grew up in the muggle world that they knew well and I think thats a nice connection. Also, at times Hermione is like an older sister to Harry.

Reason Three: I also love Ronmione! When Hermione needs a reality check, Ron is there for her. If Ron is being stupid, Hermione points this out and tries to help him. Even if Ron rejects the help, it shows how much they care for each other.

Okay, thats all I'm saying for now because I swear I'll explode with anger if I type any more. PLEASE leave your opinion in the comments below. 


Thursday, February 13, 2014

So Many Fanfictions, So Little Time

Hey! I was cruising (That WONDERFUL website) and I found quite a few fanfics that I think you guys would enjoy XD

A amazing-but short- queens thief fanfic! It is very insightful into the character's emotions.

I have nothing to say. This is just beautiful.

My Wayward Son
The people in this fandom are so poetic.

Of Paperweights and Swords
*sighs* Oh I just love these fanfics.

All of the above are fan fictions for the Queen's Thief Series. I do not own them or the series. If I did I would be the happiest person alive.

- A very tired Lauren

Do I Have a Room With Padded Walls Reserved For Me Yet?

I just have a question.

One quick question.

Am I the only one who imagines fictional characters watching my life and watching other fictional characters lives and forming opinions?

Please tell me I'm not the only one.


Well, Lauren out!

I Have No Idea What Has Happened To My Life



Jeeze... What was that splurge? Harry asking Cho to the ball?

But I will be posting more often I have written this kind of post on this blog one too many times and I'm really sorry.

Really, really sorry.

With that off my chest lets move on.


Just kidding, but you really need to read it! Its by the wonderful Shannon Messenger and it's an awesome read!

I also have made a lot of short paragraphs.

My sanity is out the window and splattered on the ground, unrecoverable

Why do people read this blog?

To eat, or not to eat?

Why does math exist?

These are the questions that dog my life.

~A slightly  insane Lauren