Sunday, June 30, 2013

Awesome HP Comics

Hello Nerds,

So I was like zoning out in front of the computer when an email popped up in my inbox. It was from one of my friends, and it had a bunch of links to some Harry Potter Comics. I was bored, and I thought something like this: Me: I'm bored, what to do, what to do. *Email pops up* Me: Oh, look an email! *Reads email* Me: Lets look at more HP comics! *googles Harry Potter Comics* Anyway, you're probably not all that interested in my thoughts, so I'll just put the comics down below.

~ Lauren

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Hello Fellow Nerds,

So you all missed my crazy fandom/nerdyness right?! Probably not. Well, if you must know, I'm back! I want to give a shout out to my amazing friends I made at Camp! Eliza, Emily, and Kat! (cue cheering sound) They're all amazing people. We're all nerds, so we connected really easily. I miss you guys! Now, I have a few story ideas that I'm gonna work on, plus my fellow nerdlets (our club-things name) gave me a few lists of books to read! Here they are: The Iron Fey series, The Shadow and Bone series, Divergent, The Book Thief, Legend, and Tiger's Curse. Now I'm off to tell my other friends I'm at home! See Ya!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Going To Be Gone...

Hey Nerdly Readers!

So my birthday is tomorrow and it going to be a sleepover. I'm gonna be really busy preparing for it, and the day after it ends I'm going to a seven day long Girl Scout camp (I'm not a Girl Scout.) So no posts for ten days. Sorry! Gonna miss you all!

~ Lauren

Harry Potter Tribute

Hello Fellow Nerds!

I was looking through things I've written in the past and found this! I posted it on a Harry Potter Google+ community kind of spontaneously in early March. Anyway I though I'd share it with you!

To some people, Harry Potter is a big pile of dusty books sitting in the corner of the library. To me Harry Potter is a world, and once you bother to dust the front cover off it shows you this wonderful legacy. I don't think of the books as fantasy because the focus isn't on the magic wands and spells! The focus is on friendship (Something that I consider to be as important as Oxygen), over coming your fears, and bravery. Harry Potter is my life. If I loose it, my Oxygen is gone. When I was upset, hurt, or mad I would turn to these dusty books in the back of the library. Harry will never truly be gone if those who remain are loyal to him.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to you all! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!


Character Spotlight Updated!

Hello fellow Nerds!

My friend Avery is writing a Harry Potter fanfiction, and the main character is being featured on my Character Spotlight page! The link to her blog is down below. Please check it out! Got to work on my 5th Chapter!

Up In The Trees


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Teaser For Chapter Five Of Lily Potter and the Resurrection Stone

Hello Readers!

So I'm about halfway through writing chapter five! Woo Hoo! I decided since it will probably be out in about 2-3 days I might as well give you a teaser. Enjoy.

"Where have Miss Wright, Miss Potter, and Mr Weasley gone?" she questioned in a dangerous voice. Someone was just about to spill the beans when a rat scuttled across the floor. We piled into the closet and heard someone giving a quick explanation that involved Hugo going to the hospital wing.

Thats it! Anyway, I hope to finish up the chapter soon, bye.


And here is a funny quote from something I'm obsessed with to end off the post!

Doctor: "Bit of a hermit…" Random Guy: "A hermit with friends?" Doctor: "Hermit's United, we meet up every two years, its fun!"

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Poll Results

Hello Everyone!

So the 'Which Harry Potter Book is Your Favorite' poll has ended! Here are the results:

Goblet of Fire won with four votes.
Prisoner of Azkaban and Deathly Hallows tied for second.
Halfblood Prince, Order of the Phoenix, Chamber of Secrets tied for third.
And Sorcerers Stone got no votes.

I wish Prisoner had won....


Friday, June 7, 2013

Crazy Nerd Photos

So here are some crazy nerd photos!

I love the ones that combine Doctor Who and Harry Potter! I'm a total nerd. This blog proves it!



Hello Nerdly Readers!

So first I think you all need an explanation. I was banned from the computer for two days, thus no posts! So sorry! Now, on to the subject of my post.


I want to be a writer because I could express my emotions on paper, because I could create an entirely new world, because I could twist my thoughts into a character, because I could stretch my wings and fly, because I could write up a storm of ideas, because I could type up my life.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Doctor Who... Again


So I've made another Doctor Who post. Warning, the following may contain spoilers for people who haven't gotten 3/4 though the 3rd season. Otherwise, enjoy!


At the end of Season Two I cried. I wept so much that by the time I was done 20 tissues were missing from my tissue box. Rose getting stuck in the parallel dimension, plus the Doctor being cut off mid-very-important-sentance made me very, very sad. But I really like Martha. Her mother really annoys me though. I'm rambling. Anyways... here is a few photos of some awesome stuff. (Doctor Who related stuff)

~ Lauren

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A New Mystery To Solve

Hello Fellow Nerds,

I have a new one-shot up. Look below to read! Hope you enjoy!

I hopped onto my bed, the wind filling my white gausey curtains. Quickly I opened my laptop. On the screen it read Message from October: Hey gurl! I quickly typed back 'Hi, whats up?' 'Not alot….' she typed then another message popped up after that and as I read it, I could hear her voice in my head. Her tone conveying exitement and a certain urgecy that always came when something dangerous was happening. 'I just heard it! My parents are listening to the news downstairs, and its up so loud I can hear it. Someone has disapeared from the woods nearby!' I smiled, we had anyother mystery to solve.


Story Characters

Hey Fellow Nerds,

So I went onto Google (awesome!) and found some photos of people I think looked a lot like the characters from my story as I imagined then in my head. I have photos of three people: Lily, Hugo, and October. So, I guess I'll show you them now!



Doctor Who + Some Random Crud

Hello Fellow Nerds!

So I am officially a Doctor Who fan! (cue clapping) If you haven't ever seen it they have the show on Netflix. I recommend the one that came out in 2005 and ended in 2011. The earlier version has really cruddy sound. 

Okay, this show is AMAZING! Its about the Doctor and his companion who travel time and space, fixing problems and usually ending up in dire situations. There are aliens and even the Doctor is one. A good one, though. I've watched so much of the show in so little time that I even started to act a little like the characters. My mom says I'm getting good at doing Rose's voice. Anywhoo I just wanted to recommend it to you all and stuff. Now onto the random crud.

Translation coming in from TARDIS: Random Crud translates to: DOCTOR WHO TEE SHIRTS! LOOK BELOW FOR THE AWESOMENESS!

Okay, this isn't a tee shirt its a super-sonic-screwdriver

~ Lauren

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Photo Shoot


So after my totally upbeat post earlier today (insert sarcasm here) I decided to cheer up by posting some photos that I took from my phone when my mom and I went to the ocean (not going to even tell you what coast it was on). Here are the photos:
