Friday, May 31, 2013

New Fanfic!

A/N Hello! Soo I wrote a quick one shot this morning. Its a comical day at the Potter's house (and its next gen, my favorite category). Enjoy! (COMMENT TOO)

 I galloped down the stairs, closely followed by James on his broom. 

     “Woo hoo!” He screamed as he narrowly missed hitting the banister
I ducked just as he flew straight at my head.
“Hey! You could have just taken my eye out!” I shouted 
“I know.” he shrugged, “You wanna play some quiditch?” 
“Ha! Gotcha!” he shouted in triumph
I crossed my arms defiantly, “I’m still not playing quidittch.”

Then the staring contest began. I glared at him, my eyes beginning to water, begging me to close them for just a second. I chose a trick of last resort. I quickly clapped my hands a centimeter away from his nose. He blinked.

“That was against the rules!”
“Kids!” Mum yelled “Its time for lunch!”
“Coming Mum!” I responded, skipping towards the kitchen.

I looked around, noticing the three sandwiches at the kitchen table. One comprised of Salami, Pickles, and Mayo.

“Thanks!” I threw myself at her, that was my favorite type of sandwich EVER.
“You haven’t been fighting with your brothers have you?” she said, raising a quizzical eyebrow.
“Fine, I did.”
“What happened?” she sighed
“James almost decapitated me, he was flying inside the house!” I said indignantly
“And after that?” she questioned
“He tried to convince me to play quittich.”
“Who tried to convince you to play quittich?” James feigned innocence
“You did, who else? Every one else knows its a hopeless cause!” Albus joined the conversation.
“I play quidittch!”
“I meant trying to convince you to do something!”

Ginny rolled her eyes, this was a typical day.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lots of Views!

Pageviews by Countries

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom

~ Lauren

Wanna Buy Doll Stuff?


Okay, so my friend is selling her doll stuff. She's trying to save up for a computer. She will be selling several outfits, Julie, Chrissa (retired), and a few pets. For more info, go check out her blog!

My friend's blog

~ Lauren

How To Write A Fanfiction

Hello Nerdly Readers!

Sooooo I decided to give you people out there a little... advice on how to write a fanfiction.

1. Think up a plot.

This may take a while. The plot for the fanfiction I'm currently writing took me about a week to perfect. Also my first draft sucked! It was so lame! I hadn't fully developed my plot yet and... lets just say its not worthy of anyone reading it. You need to have a plot! If you don't, your story will ramble and some fan fiction sites won't put your writing up. Some elements you might want to include in your plot. Ghosts, Animagi,  The Hallows, Time Travel (very popular), and Hidden Passageways. Thats it for the plot!

2. Characters

If its your first fan fiction, I recommend making your main character a lot like you. Lily has so much of me in her, I'm surprised. Some of the things she says, and most of the feelings she has come from me. I can do her half of a conversation without thinking. October has a few of my traits, and bit of some of my friends. But, mostly, she is just original. You have to find a character that suites you. Lily was not described very much in the books, so I could take the basics and really mold a character that suited me. If you have an OC (original character) that you really like, use it! If you are similar to any character and you can make a few parallels, try writing them.

Well thats it! If you have any questions about writing a fanfiction, comment down below! I might make a frequently asked questions page if I get enough.

~ Lauren

PS. I have recently become a Doctor Who fan! Go check out the show! (its on netflix) I also am gonna have an authors photo on every post.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Come on, People!

Okay, I've gotten a good amount of views, a few more followers, some recommendations, and NO comments? Come on people! I need suggestions, advice, of maybe just a thought! I put you up to a challenge: Comment on one post this week! Just one! It will make a world of difference to me.

~ Lauren

Cute Hairstyle

I know, this is in the random category. But I did this super cute hairstyle this morning, and you HAVE to see it! Photos below!

If you're wondering how I did it, I have really short hair because I got a pixie cut last August and my hair has grown a little bit lower than my chin. So after I got out of the shower this morning I decided to try and make up something new to do with my hair! (I'm kind of limited by its length.). I just twisted back small sections of hair and clipped them back until it was all on the back of my head. It feels so good to have my hair out of my face for once!

~ Lauren

Monday, May 20, 2013

New Blog!

Hello Nerdly Readers,

I've made a new blog, and its all about my American Girl Dolls. Here is the link: Doll Blog. Go check it out! NOW!

~ Lauren

Note: This does not replace Nerdly!!!  I would never do that! XD

New Page

Hey Nerdly Readers,

I just made a new page. Its called 'Character Spotlight'. It will feature a character from the most recent thing I've written, and it will switch out characters every two weeks. My first featured character is Lily Potter ll. Check it out!

~ Lauren aka: LilyLunaPotter77 (, 2lololo1 (wattpad), CrazyHPWriter (

Done With The Remodel


I just finished editing my blog! I changed the template to 'Picture Window' found a backround of a stack of books, and switched the color theme to complement the new design. It felt like the warm colors on my original blog theme were just a bit too stuffy. Its almost summer here in the US, and I felt like my blog was being hosted in a library basement. Its summer! The time to open the window, climb trees, go swimming! Not sit in a stuffy room all day. Now onto the other changes.

I also have a new page called 'About Me' (I think you know what its about). It basically lists a bunch of funny, random facts about me! Go check it out!

~ Lauren aka: LilyLunaPotter77 (, 2lololo1 (wattpad), CrazyHPWriter (

No More 'Great Fanfictions'

Hey Readers

I deleted my page 'Great Fanfictions'. It was just too hard to manage, I love so many fanfictions!

~ Lauren aka: LilyLunaPotter77 (, 2lololo1 (wattpad), CrazyHPWriter (

Working On Some Stuff

Hello Nerdly Readers!

I am going to be creating some new sections (pages) merging some, and just putting new content on others. So watch out, Nerdly is going to be changing a lot!

~ Lauren aka: LilyLunaPotter77 (, 2lololo1 (wattpad), and CrazyHPWriter (

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Two Awesome Photos

 I never really thought about it, but this chart is super accurate! He is either talking when in the process of killing Harry, or he is kind of... putting it off? 
As for the second photo, these are three of my favorite fandoms! Harry Potter taught me how to find friends, face your fears, find courage in times of trouble... and much, much more. Percy Jackson also taught me similar things, along with greek mythology. The Hunger Games thought me how to stay strong. They all taught me not to give up. (tears up). Almost everything I know and love is contained in a book. I have grown up with their support and guidance. My creativeness, I think, comes from their inspiration. I love these book series' and will never, never give them up. Long live Harry, Ron, Hermione, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Katniss and Peeta!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Cho Chang Rant

My first rant (cue orchestra music) WOO HOO! This is about that total pain in the butt, Cho Chang. My friend describes her as meh meh meh, kiss kiss, cedric! boo hoo. I think it fits perfectly. So... why do I hate her?

1. She starts to kiss Harry and then decides to cry about Cedric, weird! 

2. She later in the seventh book wants to take Harry to Ravenclaw Tower, but Ginny asks Luna to do it. WHY THE HECK DID SHE DO THAT? Is she trying to break up Ginny and Harry's (totally awesome) relationship? I LOVE Harry/Ginny. Its just meant to be!

3. I don't see why she is a Ravenclaw! You never see her studying, or answering questions in class. She doesn't know tons of stuff, like Luna and she isn't witty. I don't understand WHY!

4. She seems like a really popular girl, I mean she's always surrounded by a huge group of friends, giggles all the time, (I know, sorry, stereotype) and just seems a little like bully material.

If you have another reasons I didn't think of, please comment down below and tell me!

~ Lauren aka: LilyLunaPotter77 ( 2lololo1 (wattpad), CrazyHPWriter (

Friends Blog!


My friend, Avery (Ava), has a new blog called Up In The Trees its about Nature, Animals, Books, and Art. ITS EPIC. Go check it out NOW.

Up In The Trees

Also I will soon have a Cho Chang rant posted on here. Bye!

~ Lauren aka: LilyLunaPotter77 (, 2lololo1 (wattpad), CrazyHPWriter (

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lily Luna Potter and the Resurrection Stone - Chapter Four

A/N I just finished this chappie, sorry I kept you waiting

     My day began at about 5am. 
"Lily! Lily! Lilllllly!"
"What?" I groaned and rolled over.
"Its our first day of School!"
"What time is it, October?" I asked recognizing the voice
"Oh, about five…"
"You're as crazy as the inventor of Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Beans!"
"I know… wait what?!" 
My head got smacked with a pillow.

     "I'm getting up in a minute!" I said and out of the corner of my eye I saw October shrug and go off to the bathroom, armed with a hairbrush. The minute I saw the door close I sat up, jumped out of bed and began my revenge. I picked up my pillow, got a few other soft missiles and began to construct a few catapults with a spellI had seen Al use when he was pranking James. I put them around the room, all of them facing the bathroom door. Then I and got back under the covers. About ten seconds later my friend came out, a toothbrush sticking out of her mouth.  

     Stuffed animals, pillows, even folded up quilts flew into the air. A stuffed pig landed right on top of her head. Pillows smashed into her, feathers flying. Quilts even managed to spread themselves out before they hit their target and by the end she looked like a feathery ghost with a stuffed pig on her head. 

     October quickly took action, she pulled off two layers of quilts, brushed the feathers off of her clothes and even threw the pig off. Then she walked over to her bed and sat down. 

     "Nice one, where did you learn a spell to make catapults? We could totally use it as a pranking tool!" she exclaimed 
"Well Al, my brother, was pranking James once really early in the morning and I was awake because I was going to go outside and fly before my mum made me do my chores and stuff. Anywhoo, I passed by James' room and found Al conjuring catapults. The incantation was pretty easy to remember so I just made a quick note of it." I shrugged "Didn't seem very useful at the time."

     One of our dorm mates began murmuring in her sleep and a second had kicked off her covers and it looked like she was having a very vivid dream about running. October (who had already changed) gestured to the bathroom door. 
"Go now, they'll be waking up pretty soon."
"Right." I sighed, then picked up my robes, socks and shoes. I quickly shouldered the bathroom door open. 

     I had already changed and was brushing my teeth when someone knocked on the door.
"Hey, who's in there?" a voice asked 
"Lily." I answered
"Oh, when are you going to be done?" it asked again
"Maybe five minutes." I said, and then spit out a mouthful of toothpaste 
She went away.

     I quickly put my hair in a messy bun and marched out the bathroom door. Ok, before we go on let me describe my dorm-mates to you. One has strawberry blond hair with eyes that look as if they can see through you. Another is bubbly and bounces around, she has black shoulder length hair and brown eyes that look almost anime they're so emotional. And the last is very quiet. She has very long honey blond hair and bangs and hardly every says anything. 

     The strawberry blond, (Sarah) pointed at the floor "What happened? October told me it had something to do with you…"
"Just a prank." I shrugged
October snorted "You act like it was nothing, I bet you had been planning it for days!"
The truth was I had known that I wanted to do a prank involving catapults, but I didn't know what I wanted to launch or who my target would be. I just shrugged. "At least I didn't launch the Giant Squid at you!"
Sarah shivered "That thing is huge! What does it eat?"
"Small fish." I replied "But once my older brother James told me that it ate any human that came anywhere near it. Later I asked my cousin about it and she said he was just trying to scare me."
"Oh" Sarah looked slightly relieved, then became suspicious "Whats your last name?"
Uh oh "Uhhh… Potter."
"Well we gotta go" October said, coming to my rescue "Its twenty minutes till breakfast."

     I grabbed my book bag and raced October down the stairs and knocked straight into… a trunk. I tripped, stubbed my toe and  began to hop around, holding my right foot. October almost ran into me.

     "I just stubbed my toe on this stupid trunk. Who leaves a trunk at the bottom of the stairs anyway?" I exclaimed
"Maybe it was too heavy for them?" my friend suggested
"But they levitated our trunks up to our rooms last night!" I said and began to investigate the trunk, looking for a nameplate 
"I don't think it has a name on it…" October muttered after a while
"Maybe they have something inside with some form of identification?" I suggested

     I undid the latch and October pried it open. What was inside was really weird.
"It looks like a big potions kit…" October trailed off and I nodded my head
Looking closer I saw tons of ingredients, but it wasn't just an oversized kit, it was an EXPENSIVE oversized kit! I mentioned this to October.
"Lets just move it a bit farther away from the stairs and let the person who left it here find it." she said
"Ok." I replied

     So we pushed, pulled, heaved and shoved it into place. I think October was right, they definitely couldn't have lugged something that heavy up the winding dormitory staircase. 

     "The person who owns that kit must really like to make potions" I said as we exited the portrait hole
"Yeah, where are we going?" she said, stopping suddenly
"I don't know…." I trailed off, realizing that we had just been aimlessly walking.
"How are we going to find the Great Hall, I'm totally disoriented!" she said, sounding really worried
"Oh! I know! My dad was telling us a story about his fourth year, and he was lost in a maze, he put his wand on him palm like this and said something like 'Point me!'." I said excitedly 

     The wand began to spin and pointed at a staircase. We clambered down it, walked through a maze of corridors, and eventually came out at the entrance to the great hall.

     "That is really cool" October said as she stared at my the wand on my palm "I don't know how it knows where you want to go, though"
"I think it scans your brain or something like that…" I said
I swear I jumped a foot in the air.
"James!" I whirled around and heard my wand clatter to the floor
"How is your first day of school going, lil sis?" Albus asked and leaned against a stone pillar, tapping my wand on him palm
"Just fine until you two showed up!" I said and fought the urge to roll my eyes "Okay, I'm already late to breakfast and you have to stop me right here?"
"We're your brothers, this is what we do!" They said in unison 
"Wand?" I said, raising my eyebrows 

     Once I made it into the Great Hall Most of the food was gone. October and I gobbled up our food like there was no tomorrow. After our pig like performance we had Charms. 
     Professor Flitwick had just instructed us on a incantation we were to practice when a ball of paper landed by my foot. Pretending to have dropped my wand, I scooped it up. It read:

     He wrote the incantation on the board, but I'm horrible at pronouncing things… can you write out the pronunciation? 


     I quickly responded and then went back to coping down the homework in my binder. It was just practicing a wand movement, not much.

     Next up was potions and I've been told my father was HORRIBLE at it! Anyway we headed down to the dungeons. I sat down between Hugo and October. Suddenly our teacher came out of the potions cubord red faced and panicked. She looked at her new students and nearly fainted
     "Someone stole all of my potions ingredients!"

Duhn duhn duhn! Hope you enjoied this chapter, if you did PLZ PLZ PLZ review! If you want to find the previous chapters just search up 'Lily Potter and the Resurrection Stone' on the blog! Bye!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Guilty as Charged!


Ok, ok.... I didn't write while I was camping. The problem was.... I got lost on a five an a half hour hike and was very lazy for the rest of the trip. So my progression on chapter four is 0%. However, I am very ready to continue writing even if the chapter will come out later than I planned. Hope to see you all soon! Bye!

~ Lauren aka: LilyLunaPotter77 (, 2lololo1 (Wattpad), and CrazyHpWriter (

Friday, May 10, 2013

Going to be Gone!

Hey guys! I'm going to leave for a wonderful camping trip today, and won't be back for 3 days. I will be able to work on the fourth chapter, but couldn't post it if I finish it there. Anywhoo, just wanted to let you know why I'll be absent from the blog.

~Lauren B.

Aka: LilyLunaPotter77 (, 2lololo1 (Wattpad), and CrazyHpWriter (

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tons of Views, No Comments?!

Ok guys, I give you a challenge! Comment on every post you view, I don't care if its negative, positive, or anything in between! I NEED feedback! Please help (insert image of me shaking a computer, gasping for air.).

On that happy note, bye!

Working on a new chapter!

Hey guys, Lauren here!

Soooooo if you read the title of this post you know what this is about! If you haven't... I'm going to make you read the title. (insert evil laugh here). So if you've read the title you know what I'm working on, and I'm telling you that what I'm working on will be out in maybe two to three days! See you!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Lily Luna Potter and the Resurrection Stone - Chapter Three

     "Firs years, this way!" Hugo, October, and I were pushed and shoved in the throng or first-years nervously making their way towards Hagrid. He was holding a lantern and smiling down at the stream of eleven-year-olds.  I didn't think he looked scary at all, but maybe thats because I've known him for my entire life. Once at the slimy dock we claimed one of the boats. As they began to move I looked up at Hogwarts. I had been here before, but it was in the middle of the day and in my opinion the castle was much more impressive at night. Lights glinted from windows, reflecting on the water. The towers seemed to collide with the stormy sky. 

     Someone screamed and my head whipped around. A short girl with brown eyes wide with shock was pointing at the water. I looked at it. A foot below the surface was the giant squid. Just sitting there, not bothering anyone.  James had told me some silly story about how the squid was a carnivore and ate every single human that got close enough to him. In my terror I ran into Rose's room (we were at Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione's house.) and she very calmly had told me that the squid was quite friendly and only ate small fish. In fact, some students even swam in the lake. I was jerked out of my thought as the water suddenly began to ripple  as the first of our small league of boats bumped into the rocky shore and the squid shot away.

     Once we arrived at the massive oak doors Professor Flitwick told us to wait until he came to collect us for the sorting in a few minutes. My fellow first-years had gathered into clumps sprinkled throughout the room, talking nervously. I was so anxious. How would my family react if I was in Slytherin?  I didn't want to know. My thoughts began to spin. October waved a hand in my face. "Lily?" she laughed, "Earth to Lily?" I looked at her quizzically, my brow furrowed in my 'What are you talking about?' look and head cocked. Hugo walked up"Hey-" but stopped in shock. 

     There was a slightly translucent arm sticking through his forehead! Hugo's eyes looked up and his face was priceless. "Merlin!" he yelped in a croaky voice, scurrying to the other side of the room. I burst out laughing, doubling over, the look of shock and horror on his face still etched in my mind. I saw the rest of the ghost that had terrified Hugo out of his wits float through the wall.  "Hugo, you looked like you were about to wet yourself!" I said and was overcome in another fit of laughter. The people around us stared, as if it was against the rules to laugh or even talk normally. As if on cue Professor Flitwick walked in, smiling at us. "The Sorting is about to begin!" He looked between the crowd and me, slightly confused.  Then he told us to follow him to the Great Hall. 

     It was magnificent! The enchanted ceiling was bright and starry. There were four house tables, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin all of them with students filling up the benches on either side. Some craned their necks to look at us while others (Mostly the older students) sat bored, waiting for the sorting to be over. Butterflies began to churn in my stomach as Professor Flitwick (with some difficulty) set the stool down and opened a scroll. The person he called up first became a Hufflepuff, I think her name was Abigail something-or-other I wasn't really paying attention because I was double-uber terrified. Next to me October was muttering under her breath and Hugo seemed to be silently threatening the sorting hat to put him in Gryffindor or else. A few kids became Ravenclaws, a couple were Slytherins and then I realized something. They had called my name. Professor Flitwick looked at the crowd of First-Years and repeated "Potter, Lily". I swear I flushed all the way up to the roots of my hair. Some of the kids snickered and I managed to give them my family's famous Weasley Glare. 

     I walked up to the stool and hoped that I hadn't looked like a complete fool. Then the hat was plopped on my head. At first it was grouchy saying something like "I wish someone else would just sort them, its so easy even a foolish top hat could do it!" Then he fell silent, and I'm guessing he was scanning my brain. "Well, theres only one house for you." he sighed "Headstrong, impulsive… GRYFFINDOR!". 

     The Gryffindor table roared and I went to sit with my brothers who, for some strange reason only clapped me on the back and grinned. Had they actually been worried about which house I would be in? I shook my head, no they couldn't! They were my brothers Al and James. The ones who teased me daily, the ones who pulled practical jokes every other hour, the ones who drove my mother crazy. I reveled in the glory of being a Gryffindor for the entire dinner. Then I noticed something. The benches were being scraped aside, food was vanishing off of plates tiredly I found Hugo and October and almost jumped with joy when I discovered they, too, were Gryffindors.

I know! I didn't mention October and Hugo's sorting but honestly I have been working on this chapter for waaaaaaay too long... On with the plot, I say, on with it!